Claim NoCC2022334
Company nameHendy Group
CountryUnited Kingdom
Date of sale2021/01/20
Issue classificationSeam failure
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Defective partsPort side sponson leaking
Serial No.CN-HFM02958E718
Number of defects1
Outboard engine brandHonda
Outboard engine HP50HP
Name of present owner:(First)Nick Tuck
Name of present owner:(Last)Nick Tuck
Suggested repairinternal and external repair
Estimated cost of repair in USD$666.35
Upload filespm6728.pdf
Description of issue

I have uploaded a video to show clearly the issue with the boat. it is the rear port sponson is leaking from the seam.

Picture of the boat with HIN.IMG-20220302-WA0006.jpg
Pictures or videos of defectsVID-20220302-WA0010.mp4